Allysson Allex Araújo

Allysson Allex Araújo

Tenured Assistant Professor and Researcher @ Federal University of Cariri (UFCA)
[ Information Systems, Software Engineering, and Innovation ]

Highly experienced as a Professor, Researcher, and Project Manager, I am moved by the purpose of making people thrive through a mix of education and information technology towards a better tomorrow. For this reason, I am a huge believer in how valuable it is to build innovative and interdisciplinary opportunities in well-aligned partnerships between academy, industry, public organizations, and society. As a strong team player, I persistently seek to achieve collective goals with a proactive, organized, result-oriented, and creative endeavor.

I am a Tenured Assistant Professor at the Center for Science and Technology (CCT) at the Federal University of Cariri (UFCA), located in Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará, Brazil. I completed a Doctor's degree (cum laude) in Business Administration (focus on Innovation) and a Master's degree in Computer Science (focus on Software Engineering), both from the State University of Ceará (UECE). I also hold a Bachelor's degree in Information Systems from the Faculdade de Juazeiro do Norte (FJN). I have experience in the fields of Information Systems, Software Engineering, and Digital Innovation, including managing Research, Development, and Innovation projects. I am the coordinator of the Information Systems and Digital Innovation Study Group (GESID).

In partnership with national and international collaborators, I have published over 70 papers in scientific journals and conferences (EMSE, AUSE, JSERD, JBCS, iSys, IJBIR, SBES, CHASE). I have supervised more than 20 research projects, including both undergraduate and graduate levels. I have received academic recognitions as an advisor for award-winning research and as an outstanding reviewer at different events (SBES, SBSI, WASHES). I have served the academic community in organizational roles (Management Committee of CESI/SBC, Steering Committee of SBSI, Steering Committee of WASHES), as an external reviewer (TSE, EMSE, TOSEM, JSS, JSERD, iSys), and as a program committee member (SBES, SBSI, WASHES, IHC, CHASE). Currently, I am the Manager of the Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Division, within the Innovation Coordination at UFCA.


Social, Human, and Economic Aspects in Analysis and Development of Information Systems

Social, human, and economic aspects strongly impact the success of Information Systems (IS). Therefore, understanding these aspects is fundamental to evaluating how methods, tools, and people may improve IS analysis and development. From a sociotechnical perspective, we investigate the role of organizations, management, psychology, and sociology, including how going through the whole software engineering poses critical knowledge for IS practice. By approaching different theoretical lenses, our research aims to investigate the social, human, and economic aspects of IS to advance how these systems are built/used and how this knowledge may address societal challenges.

Software Engineering Education and Training

A software engineer requires a balanced set of soft, technical, and interdisciplinary skills. Then, one can highlight the relevance of advancing software engineering education and training, which are essential to forming the best engineers to deal with real-world challenges. Hence, we aim to investigate through this research line the different educational paths that could be taken and combined to provide students the capability of being highly qualified professionals in the context of software engineering and, consequently, enable them to recognize the software quality notions from a product perspective, but also the principles from a process outlook.

Management and Engineering Practices for Innovation and Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is an organizational change triggered by digital technologies that can impact how organizations operate and deliver value to people. In other words, digital transformation is linked to strategic shifts in the business model, product development, data analytics, and innovation due to implementing digital technologies required to qualify organizations' competitiveness and capabilities. Grounded in a multidisciplinary and analytics-driven perspective, we investigate across management and engineering practices to catalyze innovation and digital transformation in promising projects from different domains.






  • Outstanding reviewer service at the 38th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - Research Track.
  • Outstanding reviewer service at the 38th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - Education Track.
  • Terceiro Melhor Artigo do IX Workshop sobre Aspectos Sociais, Humanos e Econômicos de Software.
  • Menção Honrosa para Artigo do IX Workshop sobre Aspectos Sociais, Humanos e Econômicos de Software.
  • Melhor Trabalho na Categoria Ideas Emergentes do XX Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação.
  • Melhor Revisor do XX Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação.
  • Primeiro Lugar da Sessão I da Trilha de Indústria e Inovação em SI do XIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação.
  • Outstanding reviewer service at the 37th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - Tools Track.
  • Outstanding reviewer service at the 37th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - Insightful Ideas and Emerging Results Track.
  • Menção Honrosa do projeto "SisBarragens - Transformando a Gestão de Barragens Hídricas", Top 5 projetos do Selo de Inovação SBC.
  • Outstanding reviewer service at the 36th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - Tools Track.
  • Outstanding reviewer service at the 36th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - Education Track.
  • Melhor Trabalho da modalidade Oral na área Computação e Tecnologia da Informação do 7° Encontros Universitários, Universidade Federal do Ceará (Campus de Crateús).
  • Melhor Artigo de Computação e TI do 5° Encontros Universitários, Universidade Federal do Ceará (Campus de Crateús).
  • Segundo Melhor Artigo do II Concurso de Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica (CTIC-ES) do XXXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software.
  • Segundo Melhor Artigo de Desenho de Pesquisa do XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Colaborativos.
  • Terceiro Melhor Artigo do V Workshop sobre Aspectos Sociais, Humanos e Econômicos de Software.
  • Segundo Lugar na Categoria Melhor Empreendimento de Impacto Socioambiental do Prêmio Universitário Empreendedor. Proposta: Clube da Sustentabilidade.
  • Terceiro Lugar na II Hackathon do Conhecimento. Tema: Ciência para a Redução das Desigualdades. Proposta: Rede Desenvolvimento.
  • Melhor artigo do VII Workshop de Engenharia de Software Baseada em Busca.
  • Best Student Paper with Industry-relevant SBSE results, 7th Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering.



This section highlights some of the main projects I’ve managed in recent years. Each of these projects reflects our efforts to promote innovation, collaboration, education, and the practical application of emerging technologies in various contexts.

Vitrine da Inovação da UFCA (2024-)

This web solution aims to promote the dissemination of technological innovations developed by the Federal University of Cariri (UFCA), connecting academic research with the market and society. The project seeks to stimulate strategic partnerships, encouraging technology transfer and the practical application of solutions created within the university.

dataWASHES (2023-)

A public, academic, and open source Application Programming Interface (API) designed to streamline the programmatic process of gathering data from the Workshop on Social, Human, and Economic Aspects of Software (WASHES) proceedings.

Caminhos do Interior (2023-2024)

This academic project emerged from a cooperative learning iniative organized by GESID. The main objective was to build a web solution to highlight the tourist attractions and cities in the inlands of Ceará, aiming to strengthen the culture and tourism potential of these regions.

Mapa do Ecossistema de Inovação Cearense (2020-2024)

This project aimed at providing a collaborative platform that integrates information about participants, events, and patents, offering everyone interested in the Cearense community an overview of the innovation ecosystem through an interactive and collaborative map. (2021-2024)

An educational program designed to refine talents through immersive training in innovative technologies aligned with the digital challenges faced by the following companies: B3, a Bolsa do Brasil, BLK Sistemas Financeiros, PDtec, and Neoway.

SisBarragens (2019-2024)

A platform that aims to facilitate the registration and inspection process of water dams, improving the usability and security of data by organizing it more effectively with blockchain storage, consequently streamlining the report generation for the sectors responsible for the inspection, data management, and maintenance of dams.

Get in touch

For more details, please see my CV or feel free to reach me out. 👋